To join Club Pony Pals you must have a working email address. To register your account click on the “play now” button and choose “Register”.
Club Pony Pals game is supposed to work on Windows computers' Internet
Explorer 6,
2.0 and Macintosh computers' Safari 2.0,
3.0. Our gamedeveloper recommends using
Firefox. If you have a problem with our game and the browser you use, please
write us and let
us know.
When you press "Ask for Help" it opens this new box or "window" with questions and answers. To keep playing, close this window by clicking the little "close window” at the bottom of this box. That will take you to where you were when you clicked "Ask for Help." Your pony will be where you were when you clicked "Ask for Help."
You need to have a current version of flash player installed. You can
download it
Go see your pony in My Pony’s Stall - Visit and groom Daisy or Splash for Mrs. Crandal and earn Wiggins Bucks.
- Go to Pam’s Game loft and play games to earn Wiggins Bucks. - Buy snacks and pony treats from the vending machine.
- Go outside to see what’s going on there. If you want your pony to go with you, groom and saddle it first.
To start, click once on your tack room's door to open it.
Click on the halter there to drag it over to put it on your pony's head. Then click on the red curry and rub its body. Click on the tack caddy to put the curry away. Next, click on the "dandy brush." Brush your pony all over. Clean its hooves with the hoof pick.
Then you need to clean the right side of your pony. Click on the lower left "Groom Other Side" arrow. Your pony will show its other side. Use your tack caddy's tools just the same way you did to groom your pony's first side. Then click on the "Groom Other Side" arrow symbol to turn your pony around again.
You must completely groom both sides of your pony before you can click on the saddle pad, saddle and bridle to get ready to ride.
First, click on your pony's saddle blanket to make your mouse pointer become the blanket. Move it to your pony's back and click there to set it down. Next, click on your saddle on the tack room door's holder. Your pointer will become the saddle. Move it to your pony's back and click on the saddle blanket to place it there. Next, move your mouse pointer to your bridle where it hangs on your tack room door. Click on it to make it your mouse pointer. Move your bridle to your pony's head. Click there to fasten it. Your bridle goes over your halter. The Pony Pals always ride with a halter under their bridle, in case they need to tie their pony somewhere they stop and dismount. Click on the pony’s lead rope to untie it. Hang the rope in your tackroom. Now your pony is groomed, saddled, bridled and ready to go out on trail.
Go to Crandal's barn aisle way. That is where you land when you have clicked "Play Now." There is a green vending machine labeled "Snacks." If you click on the vending machine, a closer, front view of it will appear. Right now there are eight choices for pony or person treats to buy. When you click on a treat, you can buy it. To pay for a treat, Wiggins Bucks will be taken from your account. When you click on a treat, you will hear it bounce its way through the vending machine before it goes to your inventory.
You can buy credits at the "
stuff for sale" page, or you can earn credits by playing games. You can also groom lesson ponies Daisy or Splash.
Outside the barn, click on your pony to mount up, then choose the trail sign for a direction you want to go. At the end of a trail, click the hitching post to tie your pony there. Your pony will rest while you play some games there. To start riding on trail, click on your pony and the mounting block. You can choose which way to go on trail. You can use either an on-screen mouse control or your keyboard arrows and space bar. Your choice.
To ride your pony forward,
you can use your keyboard's up arrow ...or...
you can mouse click on the top triangle of your on-screen's "Star"
To make your pony go faster, quickly press more times on either your keyboard’s up arrow or click on your screen star's up triangle.
While moving, you can turn your pony with your keyboard’s side arrows or with your screen star's up-pointing triangles.
While stopped, sidepass your pony with your keyboard's side arrows or your screen star's side-pointing triangles.
To stop your pony and back it up, use your keyboard's down arrow or your screen star’s down-pointed triangle.
To back your pony up and turn at the same time, hold down both your keyboard’s down arrow and side arrow at the same time or use your screen star's down triangles that also point to the side. To ask your pony to jump over something, use your space bar or click on the center jumping pony symbol in your on-screen star.
At the end of each trail, there is a clearing where you can dismount and let your pony rest. When you are ready to go back to the barn, click on your pony to mount up. The click the "Ride" sign and choose where you want to go.
If your pony is hungry, open your saddlebag and feed it a pony treat. There is a small "feed" box that you can click on to get a cookie, apple, or carrot to your pony. Choose what treat you want to feed your pony, then click on the pony’s head to feed it. You can buy treats at the vending machine in the aisle at Crandal's barn. When you buy a treat it goes into your saddlebag.
- If your pony's energy meter is not green, that means it is tired. Stop riding fast and walk your pony so it can rest. If you ride too fast for too long it is not healthy. Your pony can become very sick if you make it too tired.
- If your pony's health meter is not green, it is less than well, maybe even sick. Ponies can get sick from eating too many treats, from being exercised too hard, from being saddled without being groomed, and lots of other things. To help your pony get healthy again, you can groom it. Each time you groom your pony you will make it more healthy. Its meter will show change. -
If your human health, energy or hunger meters are not green, you are hungry. Eat something.
Send your questions to us at: CustomerCare@ClubPonyPals.com or mail it to
c/o FTV, LLC
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Canyon Country, CA 91387 USA