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pony World Competition club Pony World is a place where real life and living ALicorns LIVE! these Half Pegasus and half unicorns Have a rainbow race every week! the Alicorns come in Red, Blue, Green, yellow, Rainbow, and all kinds of different colors! and yet another reason to Declare Pony world, the Alicorns have a strap-on horn and Jet-packs for Wings! and, if that's not cool enough, they wear Shoes and clothes! If you want to join, here are the forms:

Hello Jane! I would like to make a Competition club called pony World Competition club. (I'm making it for ponygirl08) the Plaque is a Pink Alicorn Rearing (it would be cool if it was on a rainbow, misty mountain, or cloud. :D )

Pony World is a place where real life and living ALicorns LIVE! these Half Pegasus and half unicorns Have a rainbow race every week! the Alicorns come in Red, Blue, Green, yellow, Rainbow, and all kinds of different colors!
and yet another reason to Declare Pony world, the Alicorns have a strap-on horn and Jet-packs for Wings! and, if that's not cool enough, they wear Shoes and clothes! If you want to join, here are the forms:

Full Name:
Usually called:
Favorite color:
Favorite Food:
Speed(1 to ten, ten is fastest):
Skill(1 to 10, this is basically Maunvering):

Full Name: Rainbow Waterfall
Usually called: Rainbow
Mane: Almost Clear Blue
Tail: Light, Light, Rainbow
outfit: Light blue Dress
Shoes: Blue Sneakers
Wings: a Blue jetpack
Horn: rainbow
Extras: none
Personality: Sweet, loves animals.
Fav Color: Blue
fav food: apples
Speed: 10
Skill: 10


bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-11-10 02:42:11
Welcome to your club for our records it is 708829 PWplaque
Jane Crandal & JB
2018-11-10 02:42:11

Full name: Sugarcoat Queen (Not a real queen)
Usually called: Sugar
Mane: Blue and green, pink underneath
Tail: Same as mane
Coat: White
Outfit: Crown outfit over chest
Shoes: Crowns
Wings: Blueish purple
Horn: Light green
Extras: Gold headpiece, green eye shadow
Personality: Can be a little stuck-up and cocky, but is overall nice.
Fav color: Gold
Fav food: Lollipops
Speed: 9
Skill: 10

Bella, thank you SO MUCH for making this club for me!!! Jane, i LOVE the plaque!!!! It's PERFECT!!!

I'm not entirely sure how competition clubs work, i was thinking it's RP-ing with weekly competitions?

In case you haven't guessed, these Alicorns live in the sky (And OH YEAH... THEY HAVE FLOATING HOUSES!!!)

ponygirl08 & Shooting Star
2018-11-11 19:57:20
Thanks, Jane!

bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-11-11 19:57:20
PONYGIRL!!!! YAY!!!!!!
That's Exactly what you do, ponygirl!!!

bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-11-14 00:13:17
This sounds fun! Can I join? Can I have 2 Alicorns? If not Just ignore the bottom form.

Full Name: Rainbow Mist
Usually called: Mist
Mane: Rainbow
Tail: Rainbow
Coat: White
Outfit: Light blue t Shirt with rainbow on it and light blow tights
Shoes: Light blue sneakers
Wings: White
horn: White
Extras: Candycane Mist is her foal
Personality: Sweet loves races
Favorite color: Rainbow
Favorite Food: Jello
Speed(1 to ten, ten is fastest): 10
Skill(1 to 10, this is basically Maunvering): 10

Full Name: Candycane Mist
Usually called: Candycane
Mane: Red and white
Tail: Red and white
Coat: White
Outfit: Red sweater with a candycane on it and red PJ bottoms with Candycanes on them
Shoes: Red slippers
Wings: One red one white
horn: red and white
Extras: Rainbow Mist`s foal
Personality: Shy and sweet
Favorite color: red and white
Favorite Food: Candycanes
Speed(1 to ten, ten is fastest): 2
Skill(1 to 10, this is basically Maunvering): 2

kdude & Wisteria
2018-11-14 04:28:56
ponygirl08 & Shooting Star
2018-11-14 04:28:56
Hey Kdude!!! yes you can have 2 :)
bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-11-14 17:40:32
Why, you could have 3!!!!
ponygirl08 & Shooting Star
2018-11-14 22:19:58
or 5, or 6! I think the max is 10, ponygirl. XD
bella grace ponies & Prince
2018-11-20 01:47:22
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
