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Think Spring Writing Contest As the days become longer in the Northern hemisphere, write about what spring means to you! Our Pony Pals Magazine features these stories. Write about the state or region where you live, or any other topic relating to the theme. Your story can be fiction or nonfiction, your choice. One or more winning articles each month will get 3000 Wbucks and the writer will also get a pink saddle. All articles will be published in the Magazine. Articles must be at least 500 words long.

Think Spring Writing Contest

As the days become longer in the Northern hemisphere, write about what spring means to you!

Our Pony Pals Magazine features these stories. Write about the state or region where you live, or any other topic relating to the theme. Your story can be fiction or nonfiction, your choice. One or more winning articles each month will get 3000 Wbucks and the writer will also get a pink saddle. All articles will be published in the Magazine. Articles must be at least 500 words long.

For our records this is 578470

Jane Crandal & JB
2014-03-03 03:50:15
What I love about spring is that the grass turns green and the beautiful flowers grow.
Seemsom14 & Snow White
2014-03-05 03:55:21
I love spring because the trees, grass, and everything else turns green, flowers are beautiful, mistick, and love. The sun shines brighter, the river flows. Sunny and funny makes everything grow!

POA Girl1 & Remi
2014-03-05 19:00:27
What I love about spring?

I LOVE Spring. Lots of animals are born and its beautiful weather for swimming and taking hikes on the trails. And my birthday is in spring. Spring is A beautiful time for extra sizing horses and seeing amazing things like horse births, The manarch butterflys flying by, doing Spring cleaning, Harvesting, Planting, Having spring break, and much, much, much more! Every-thing turns green and fishing is great in spring.
I also love riding my horses and ATV's in the desert trails in spring. Baby rabbits and coyote pups emerge out of their dens and play and earn hunting tecnques from their mom and dad.
Spring is the most greatest season in all times in my opinion. At the last day of Spring is the best because the pools open. And I hope everyone likes spring because I don't know anyone who doesn't.

Happy Spring!, Varonnica.

Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-03-10 22:36:31
Hi Jane I would like a redo. Thx!


Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-03-11 01:50:55
Sence i live in Arizona, The spring is not much different than summer. But... in spring their are LOTS of animal births and much plant life grows in the desert even peoples porches inless they take care of them.
Spring is a time to go fishing, riding ATVS and horses on the desert trails. I love spring because the AJ pool that is a stone through away opens and I can go swimming when ever I want.
Lots of animals from winter emerge from their dens and learn lots of new stuff like how to hunt and find running water and food.
Spring is actually fun in a way for me because theirs lots of plants to hid when playing hide-seek.
You have got to remember that not every thing turns green. Some plants that don't have anough musture and water or good soil tend to die off. Some plants don't get a life from every animal that eats them!
I belive that people should not through trash and other things in gardens and plants. Because trees give out oxagen and when they die that means not much more oxagen for you!
I love spring and other people should to, I even respect spring. But what I don't like about spring is when the pools are not open yet and your sweat gets all sticky and that sucks. Luckley you can just take a cool shower slash bath
or run through the spricklers in your vary own yard.
Spring is also a vary good time to breed animals
just in time from the harsh winter. I also hate alregys that spring puts off. I hope you guys have a good time during spring I know I will!

happy spring! Vraonnica

Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-03-11 03:26:14
When do these get submitted in the actical of the CPP Magizene? Or get voted or selected.


Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-03-12 19:33:59
Breathe in the fresh air, and exhale it. It is now spring. Oh, how wonderful spring is! Horses and ponies of all different breeds and colors graze happily in the fields, as the tall oak trees sway from side to side in the gental afternoon breeze. All kinds of animals are born. Watch as they take their first steps! In spring, there is happiness, love, and hope. There is peace, goodwill, and generosity. Flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors fill the world with joy and light, after the harsh winter. The birds sing there lovely songs as the sun sets behind the hills, beautiful isn't it? The horses and ponies get led back to the barn, nothing but a sliver of sunset is left in the sky now. The bird's songs come to an end as they snuggle up in there cozy nests, ready to sleep. Once again, another beautiful spring day filled with warm sunshine and grazing horses and ponies, has come to an end, and once again, another beautiful night filled with stars and chirping crickets, has come. The dark blue night sky is like gleaming pool of ink filled with millions of stars to wish upon. The baby animals who have had a fun day filled with play and laughter, snuggle close to there mothers as they drift off to sleep, dreaming about the beautiful day that awaits them tomorrow. There are no sounds, not one, just peace and quiet. Although spring has many, many births, we cannot avoid death. But that does not make spring any less marvelous. Good night, kind people of Earth, and God bless you all.
CoolHorseRider7891 & Warrior of the West
2014-03-12 19:42:59
I live in Maine...where the green fields meet the salty seas, and the pine trees stand proudly by blueberry barrens. Chickadees sing their song as they hop from bare tree to bare tree. Winters are harsh in this Northern state. Blizzards, white outs, and ice storms are no surprise. This winter was very cold, and we had a few ice storms. So everyone in Maine is yearning for spring. Now our hopes and prayers are coming true. The snow is melting. The days are warmer. The songbirds are migrating back and singing high in the trees. The lakes and ponds are melting from their thick ice. The driveways are ankle-deep in mud puddles. Spring is a welcomed sight in Maine. ~Horsesforever12 ;)
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2014-03-12 19:42:59
When the snow finally melts after a long, cold Winter in the state of New Hampshire, I take out my bike and go out, peddling fast after three long months of staying cooped up inside. The chickadees and bluebirds come out to gather acorns and seeds that friends and neighbors put out for them. The buds sprout from the trees and fall onto the ground. We play jump rope and tag, games that we missed during the long winter.

lydagdolllover and Shadow

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-03-15 02:31:15
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
