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*** thhe travelers ***

I woul d like a club called the traveler i will pay for it but it will be co. owend my Clesea 2
the plagle would be for the 4 maine elments

Starwalker123 & Star
2015-02-16 02:51:29
Welcome to your club. For our records it is 439406
Jane Crandal & JB
2012-08-19 22:13:54
The World of Myth is a wonderful place to be a kid. In less you are one of us. We are Travelers, born to save our home. We were given power for a reason.

World Of Myth
Our world is like Earth only magical. The city capital is Mythtopia. The Travelers' school is in the Myth Mountains.

The Traveler are named after their founders, the 7 traveling Hero’s:
Tyrell the Brave, Master of Water
Zorro the Swift, Maser of Air and Speed
Jason the Bold, Master of Fire
Nathan the Great, Master of Earth
Eaton the Loyal, Master of Telepathicness
Gabriel the Strong, Master of Storms
Luke the Clam, Master of Healing
They roamed the land killing monsters and evil creatures. They then opened the Travelers' School so powerful kid could us there magic for good.

Travelers' School
I’m Headmaster Lucy Woodhaven. I’m the great-great-great-granddaughter of Tyrell the Brave. I have water powers. The other teacher is there decented too. Your invited to the Travelers' School for powerful ids. You will be housed by gender. The Apprentic's robs while be given to you when you arrive. Pets are welcome. See Supply List inclosed.
Simply yours,
Headmaster Woodhaven
First Year Supply List
1. The History of the Travelers By: Eli Cole
2. One Magic Seeing Stone
3. The rest while be provided

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-08-20 00:33:49
It should be Thhe Travelers
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-08-20 01:46:34
Me To Jane can you put it back in clubs
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-11 21:03:12
Everone repost thier info
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-12 02:39:25
Can you shorten this to just my begining posts and my last post
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-13 21:38:52
Are my Rules
I tell the time no skiping time.
No Power Playing
No perfect people
Play as many people as you call handled
Normal School Rules
1. No Boys In Girls Rooms/ Girls in boys
2. Arrive at meals on time (Or Else)
3. Attend all class
4. Wear your robes at all times.
5. The headmaster has the right to send you/or a pet home
6. No Bully/Fighting
7. No PDA
8. Powers are not to be used outside is class or Training
Anything you want I will ok it first
Other: ask me in a private mail about it.
Apprentices: Gray wool with Travelers on the right front corner
Master: same as apprentices but black cloth
Headmaster: see master
Joining Form
Full Name:
Age: (12-16)
Hair: (Color and style)
Powers: (Have fun with it)
Sibs: (If Here)
Pets: (Magical Pet welcome)
Other: (stuff that can not go anywhere insoles)
Pegasus /Unicorn? Pegacorn Joining form
Full Name:
Coat color:
Wings: (Pegasus and Pegacorns)
Horn: (Unicorn and pegacorns. Has a jewel at the tip)
Power: (Earth, Water, Wind or fire)
Dragon From
Full Name:
Other: (Horns. Other thing it has.)
My People The Headmaster and Sammy. I play the masters in class outside of it you are welcome to play then

Full Name: Lucy Nicole Woodhaven
Name: Headmaster Woodhaven
Nick: Charles the travelers history/Earth master calls her Luc
Age: 22 (It Is Her Frist Year As Headmaster)
Gender: Girl
Hair: Long Dark brown curly
Eyes: Bright Blue
Personality: Kind and nice
Likes: Will behaved kids
Dislikes: bad kids and paper work
Powers: All Thing Water
Weapon: A Staff made of mistwood helps her with her water
Sibs: Master Potter Woodhaven
Pets: Star a Pegasus
Other: The Headmaster and Great Great Great Grand Daughter of Tyrell The Brave

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-14 00:55:52
Full Name: Starlight Starbright
Name: Star
Gender: Male
Coat color: Black
Mane: Black
Tail: Black
Horn: Black with a gold gem
Power: Water
Personality: Clam and Cool
Owner: Headmaster Woodhaven
My Student
Full Name: Sammtha Dawn Clark
Name: Sam
Nick: everyone calls her Sammy
Age: 13 ½
Gender: Girl
Hair: pale brown long straight
Eyes: Dark Green
Personality: Kind funny nice, Bold brave love mystery’s
Likes: growing plant/going on missions
Dislikes: history of Travelers class
Powers: Earth/Mind speaking
Weapon: matching gold handled dagger she saves for bullies
Sibs: w-mail me if you want to play one. She has 2 brothers and a sis
Pets: Rockcatcher or Rock a pegacorn
Other: Is taming a Baby Dragon named Luna
History: Was born in Mythtopia. Until she was sent here she was home schooled. Is love to tame wild animals. She tamed Rock when she was 10 1/2 .
Full Name: Rockcatcher
Name: Rock
Gender: male
Coat color: Gray
Mane: gray
Tail: gray with a few white hairs
Wings: Dark gray white whit spots
Horn: pale gray and white spotted with green gem
Power: Earth/ mostly rock
Personality: wild at times yet gently
Owner: Sammy
The dragon (Wild for now)
Full Name: Lunar Eclipse
Name: Luna
Color: Snow white
Wings: snow white with sky blue spots
Powers: no powers
Owner: Sammy
The Masters
Full Name: Charles Martin Beak
Name: Master Beak
Nick: The headmaster calls him Charley
Age: 21
Gender: male
Hair: shaved black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Personality: a sharp dressed man, Strong and fast
Powers: Earth
Weapon: none
Pets: none
Other: Master Of Traveler History and Earth
History: He Is the Great Great Great Grandson of Nathan The Great
Full Name: Brian Gideon Winchester
Name: Master Winchester
Nick: doesn’t have one
Age: 25
Gender: male
Hair: shaved brown
Eyes: the color of the sky
Personality: the bossiest Master
Powers: Air and speed
Weapon: His Sword Windbringer the handled is jeweled with clear jewels
Pets: none
Other: Master Of Air and Speed
History: Great Great Great Grandson of Zorro The Swift Maser
Full Name: Jeannie Merry Blake
Name: Master Blake
Nick: None
Age: 24
Gender: female
Hair: long straight blond
Eyes: blue eyes
Personality: The nicest Master
Powers: Fire
Weapon: Her Staff Dawnflame made of white oak
Sibs: a 12 year old brother (W- mail if you want to play him )
Pets: Flamesong a dragon
Other: Master Of Fire
History: Great Great Great Granddaughter of Jason The Bold
Full Name: Flame’s Lone Song
Name: Flamesong
Color: red
Wings: feather red
Other: A long spiked tall
Powers: Flame
Owner: Master Blake

Full Name: Fox Maxwell Jason
Name: Master Jason
Nick: none
Age: 26
Gender: male
Hair: long black over his eyes
Eyes: sea form green
Personality: The funniest Master
Powers: Telepathicness
Weapon: none
Other: The Master of Telepathicness
History: Great Great Great Grandson of Eaton The Loyal
Full Name: Susan Sunny Mariah
Name: Master Mariah
Nick: Sunny
Age: 23 ½
Gender: female
Hair: strawberry blond
Eyes: Havel
Personality: quit and shy
Powers: storm
Weapon: a staff of mistwood inlayed have gold stones used to strethen her magic
Pets: Moon a Unicorn
Other: Master of storms
History: Great Great Great Granddaughter of Gabriel the strong
Full Name: Marcus Smith
Name: Master Smith
Age: 28
Gender: male
Hair: long brown curly
Eyes: Sky Blue
Personality: Brave and Adventures
Powers: Healing
Weapon: A sword gold handled jeweled
Pets: Kodak a mini dragon
Other: The Master Of Healing
History: Great Great Great Grandson of Luke the clam
Full Name: Prince Kodak
Name: Kodak
Color: Dark green
Wings: Scale Dark Green
Other: is cat sized his tail is longer than his body
Powers: Healing
Owner: Master Smith
Full Name: John Potter Woodhaven
Name: Master Potter Woodhaven
Nick: none
Age: 28
Gender: male
Hair: same as his half sister
Eyes: Raven Black
Personality: Level Headed with a wild side
Powers: none He just isn’t a decent of magic.
Weapon: Mostly his gold handled Sword inlayed with green and gold jewels
Other: Master of Weapons
History: Master Woodhaven’s older half Brother. They have the same dad.

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-15 02:20:20
I'll post my stuff later.

pp2 & Finnigan
2013-04-17 21:56:51
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
