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****SPECIAL PEEPS CLUB!!!!!!!!! ****

Can me HAVE some clud tat iss aboot specil people. Itt iss caled SPECIL PEEPS CLUB!!!!!!!!! Teh clud plaq wil be of a specil peep enjoying some milk and cookind with a purpl pattipus. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

user no longer exists & ---
2011-12-06 21:18:26
I'm not special but I'll join.
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2011-12-15 23:31:15
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2011-12-17 03:33:15
what do you mean by special?
bannana & mindy
2011-12-20 03:54:51
Yeah, really bannana...I'm a bit miffed myself.
vegan & Chamomile
2011-12-22 21:17:04
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2011-12-24 01:03:37
what do you mean by special!?!
bannana & mindy
2011-12-25 03:52:55
Whoops-must of misused the word. I just meant confused.
vegan & Chamomile
2011-12-26 02:38:47
like special like how? and you got a unicorn?
bannana & mindy
2011-12-26 15:34:06
i super specil
9871 & Ice
2011-12-26 18:37:55
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
