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Some thoughts.... Could you maybe make large blankets for the horses to wear so that we would not have to groom them all the time. I like grooming but some do not. What sparked this idea was seeing the new saddle blanket in the catalog. If you did this, I could help design. I'm sooo sorry that I have not been writing the quests. I had to write an essay and now I'm writing a speech. I'll be done soon though. So then it's QUEST TIME!

Some thoughts....

Could you maybe make large blankets for the horses to wear so that we would not have to groom them all the time. I like grooming but some do not. What sparked this idea was seeing the new saddle blanket in the catalog. If you did this, I could help design. I'm sooo sorry that I have not been writing the quests. I had to write an essay and now I'm writing a speech. I'll be done soon though. So then it's QUEST TIME!

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2011-03-29 00:30:05

Each item requires dozens and dozens of pieces of art. We hope lots and lots of members buy Wiggins bucks so that we can keep making new things.

Jane Crandal & JB
2011-03-29 00:49:23
Oh. Sorry. Something I noticed was that, on the side of my horse that you normally see you see my Western Adventures saddle blanket it says WA in the corner. On the other side, it says AW!!! Just something I noticed....

Also, for curiosity's sake when CPP first came out, what could you do? I know you couldn't RIDE to town, but could you even go there? What was available? I think you've come a long way. Thanks so much for making this site. I've been ALL over the internet looking for another wholesome fun horse website. None. They all are either boring or unmoderated. On Howrse, some AWFUL things showed up in the forums. Not here. I LOVE this site.
Thanks so much,
Maid Mairain

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2011-03-29 02:35:57

Wow, when we first started the website, it was just the newsletter.

Then we added the barn, where you could groom your pony, and a paddock riding experience that did not work well.

We replaced that with our first Pony Pal trail and Cross Country trail.

Then we added more parts of Pony Pal trail, first to three birches, then to the sheep pen, then all the way to Anna's downtown.

Then we built downtown.

People did not like to ride to down town, so we added the bus.

Then we added the Pal Corral.

Then we added Olsons and the ability to have more than one pony.

Then we added trails to the Wiggins Estate Clearing.

Then the trail that takes you to Wiggins Mansion, and at the same time the Forest Adventure trail where you help to find trappers.

And most recently we added a Facebook game.

Areas we REALLY want to build now are

Wiggins Mansion Interior
Off Main Diner
Wiggins Estate barn
More trails


Jane Crandal & JB
2011-03-29 03:27:25
Those are all the things I want!!! :D Oh and what about a bank? I know that it would be hard and complected to do interest or anything but at least there is no animation. You wouldn't even have to go inside! Like maybe you could click on a deposit box and a little box (Like the Bus stop box) would pop up and you could enter and amount of money and then you would keep it in the bank(It would be something for people who just can't stop buying things. Like Me :D)And to get it out you have to enter your password? That would keep it safe from hackers too! (Oh and these are just ideas for the VERY distant future)Just to be like the maps in the books you should eventually make town hall on main street too.

I hope you like my "VERY Distant Future" Ideas :D

Can you please change that thing on my saddle blanket that I noticed before? (Scroll Up...)

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2011-03-29 15:09:43
Nope, the saddle blanket is just one piece of art, it flips for the off side.

Jane Crandal & JB
2011-03-29 16:19:57
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
